




https://c.quk.cc/3/b94/wwkkvj5mzqu  >



China’s internet titan

has had a bruising 2018


difficult and unpleasant, making you feel tired or weak

• 艰难讨厌的;繁重麻烦的:


Its boss, Pony Ma, has shaken things up in time for its 20th anniversary.

★shake (something) up or shake up (something)

to make many changes in (something, such as a company or organization)


●The coach shook things up by hiring new assistants.

“WHO IS KILLING Tencent?” was the headline of an article on a Chinese business news site this autumn. Those sharing the link on WeChat, a social-media and payments service that is the crown jewel of the Chinese technology giant, see something else: “This title contains exaggerated and misleading information”. The swap is ostensibly(表面上) the result of a move by Tencent in April to sanitise content, after a crackdown on popular online platforms by government regulators, but is also self-serving. Scoffing WeChat users circulated the article just to highlight the switch.

★Crown jewel

皇冠上的宝石=>the most important thing

★Crackdown on

●A crackdown is strong official action that is taken to punish people who break laws.


分开的Crack down意思是一样的,sb crack down on sb/sth.

●The government has cracked down hard on those campaigning for greater democracy...


近义词:suppress/quash/repress/put down 一般都用被动


~ (at sb / sth) to talk about sb / sth in a way that makes it clear that you think they are stupid or ridiculous


● At first I scoffed at the notion...


近义词:Mock sb/ridicule sb/tease sb

It would be no surprise if Tencent were feeling touchy(sentitive) as it approaches its 20th anniversary on November 11th. Its shares, traded in Hong Kong since 2004, have fallen by 28% in 2018. This time last year it was the first Asian company to be worth half-a-trillion dollars, hitting a record valuation in January of $573bn. It has since shed $218bn, roughly equivalent in value to losing Boeing or Intel. Other Chinese internet stocks have fared worse than Tencent, among them NetEase, a gaming rival, and JD.com, an e-commerce firm. But even so, the drop stands out.


to let sth fall; to drop sth 使落下;使掉下

●Luke shed his clothes onto the floor. 卢克把衣服脱在地板上。

Shed tears=cry

Shed light on: 这个短语经常!!出现

●It's been a privilege shedding light on new subjects for you.




The company posted its first quarterly profit decline for nearly 13 years in the three-month period ending in June. A regulatory hold-up(停顿) that was blocking it from charging for new video games was the chief culprit, it explained. Although it has sprawled into all sorts of areas, from online lending (WeBank) and insurance (WeSure) to offline medical clinics (Tencent Doctorwork), the company still derives over two-fifths of its revenue from gaming. Its latest big bet in mobile games, “PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds”(绝地求生), has accrued a huge audience of some 50m Chinese gamers who play daily, but because of the monetisation freeze, Tencent cannot cash in.


1.a person who has done sth wrong or against the law


●The police quickly identified the real culprits.


a person or thing responsible for causing a problem


●The main culprit in the current crisis seems to be modern farming techniques.


★derive from sth/be derived from sth

to come or develop from sth


●The word 'politics' is derived from a Greek word meaning 'city'.

* politics 一词源自希腊语,意思是 city。

de'rive sth from sth

1. (formal) to get sth from sth


●He derived great pleasure from painting.


2. (technical 术语) to obtain a substance from sth


●The new drug is derived from fish oil.



to increase over a period of time (逐渐)增长,增加

●Interest will accrue if you keep your money in a savings account.



The government suspension, which began in March without explanation, had been expected to ease in the autumn. Analysts now assume that Tencent will need to tough it out until the second half of 2019. Even once game approvals start up again, the government has said that their number will be limited.



●Her body was found suspended by a rope.



●These events have led to the suspension of talks.



●Don't keep us in suspense. Tell us what happened!


Capricious(skittish) regulators may not be wholly to blame for the slowdown in online games.For its flagship game, “Honour of Kings”, for example, the average number of daily active users has dropped by a fifth in the past year or so, to 54m in September.

For skittish(易变的) investors, all this has concentrated minds on whether the giant can maintain its momentum as it enters its third decade. Most agree that gaming will remain an important part of the company, but not its chief driver of revenue growth.

Two concerns are particularly acute. Because its games have done so well, Tencent has been lackadaisical(无精打采的) in monetizing(套现) other parts of its business. It has rightly been nervous about expanding advertising within WeChat, though the service sees unrivalled Chinese mobile traffic of over 1bn monthly active users.


A second worry is that crimped profits will make it harder for the firm to keep investing heavily in areas outside its core business. Tencent has been backing promising startups in a race with Alibaba to find new users and sources of growth, battling indirectly in areas as varied as food delivery and online education. In some, such as cloud computing, the pair compete directly. Although Tencent’s investors are supportive of this approach, Jerry Liu of UBS, a bank, says the wider tech sell-off stems from a recognition that China’s maturing internet sector is becoming “a zero-sum game”: dominant platforms are having to invest more to stay ahead and so their margins are shrinking.


To crimp something means to restrict or reduce it


●The dollar's recent strength is crimping overseas sales and profits.









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