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52、A heart that says go, a couple who can take photos, a sweet journey.

53、If birth is the most definite travel, isn't death another departure?

54、Many people think it's boring to travel alone. But I just like someone.

55、Either reading or traveling, soul and body, there must be one on the way.

56、A person must bring knowledge when traveling, if he wants to bring it back.

57、The best travel in life is when you find a long lost touch in a strange place.

58、In the sea, there is no ship without a boat; in life, there is no heart without injury.

59、Travel is not about wandering around the world, but about finding a place for your heart to rest.

60、Hope is a tough crutch, patience is a travel bag, with which one can embark on an eternal journey.

61、Life can't be a journey of saying go, but people who are far away must always be ready to say go!

62、Travel is a kind of mentality, a kind of obsession with mountains, rivers and magnificent culture.

63、Love a person has not become a simple thing, it must be because the depth of feelings is not enough.

64、There must be at least two impulses in one's life, one for desperate love, and one for a journey to go.

65、There must be at least two impulses in life, one is desperate love, the other is to say to go on a journey.

66、Life is not a race, but a journey. Competition is about the end, while travel is about the scenery along the way.

67、The reason why people love traveling is not to arrive at their destination, but to enjoy all the fun in the journey.

68、Want to breathe the air of every city, want to feel the people of every city, want to look at the scenery of every city.

69、Carry on the bag, go on the journey, willful once, many years later, the picture will record a kind of thing called youth.

70、Sometimes, when you travel, you will meet two good friends who have nothing to do with each other for the rest of your life.

71、Travel doesn't care about the destination, but about the people and things on the way and those beautiful memories and scenery.

72、Travel is just an attitude towards life. What kind of life attitude you choose, there will be corresponding solutions naturally.

73、In everyone's heart, there will be a feeling of ancient town, flowing south of the Yangtze River, and a family with a smoke cage.

74、I am more and more convinced that the price of creating beauty is hard work, disappointment and perseverance. First pain, then joy.

75、As free as travel, it's not just about itinerary. Travel makes people free, just because you can have your own world when you travel.

76、Life is like a journey. There are moving, sad, exciting, frustrating, beautiful scenery and places where there is no scenery but wind.

77、Travel is a beautiful missing, missing is a beautiful journey. Not to let others forget me temporarily, but to let others think of me.

78、Life itself is a small trip, in every place, meet different people and things, as long as treat time, will always enjoy the fun on the road.

79、The significance of travel is not to browse the scenery, but to a completely strange environment, to empty yourself, feel and enjoy loneliness!

80、Life is like a journey, do not care about the destination, care about the scenery along the way and the mood to see the scenery, let the soul to travel!

81、Want to live a life, have fun cooking, have the mood to read books, have the time to travel, the most important thing is that all these are accompanied.

82、I think love is a romantic trip together, just put down the luggage, from the hotel out of the moment, arm in arm, on the road of brilliant lights, walking.

83、There are many benefits of traveling: freshness; great knowledge; the joy of watching the new city; meeting new friends; learning all kinds of elegant manners.

84、Travel, is to go to different places, and then bring different back, continue to live the previous life, perhaps, his life is gradually not the same as before.

85、Sunshine, beach, waves, captain. This is a beautiful childhood yearning for the beach and the sea. With the growth of age, these yearnings have become memories.

86、As a traveler, he has to have an ass like back to carry all his clothes; a dog like tongue to be courteous; a pig like ear to hear a hundred but not to speak one.

87、Tired on the back of luggage to travel, no matter where it is, as long as it is strange, walk the country woods, feel the local customs there, slowly empty yourself.

88、Travel gives us the opportunity to be alone, free and independent from our daily life, and our little memories, or our constant care and obsession, are clearly presented.

89、I like life and listen to all the beauty of nature with my heart. I like travelling, walking on the simple road and watching what I can see. At this time, I walk with freedom.

90、A beautiful life is a wonderful journey, on the train that never returns. Experience with the new and the old! Maybe this is a person's irresistible fate, you have me also have him.

91、I often stroll along the sea like this to appreciate the breath, deep feeling and heart of the sea. And the tide of the sea, always with pride and passion back and forth with my voice.

92、When you enjoy your work, you will try your best; when you enjoy your life, you will be full of confidence; when you grow up, you will work hard; when you are happy, you will be generous and helpful.

93、Young people are always looking forward to the outside world, full of curiosity, and always want to go out for a break. Even if it's a broken head, there's no regrets, tears can fall, but it's not sad.

94、A man who has traveled long in time, like a farmer who has plowed many times in the winter wasteland, cannot evoke a sense of prosperity to the earth even in the spring when there are green marks everywhere.

95、The sky is clear, the atmosphere is pleasant, looking up at the universe and looking down on the prosperity of categories, so you can enjoy your eyes, which is enough to enjoy the audio-visual entertainment.

96、I wander on the track of time and step on every passing car. The scenery along the way is gradually going away. I hold the license plate which is called missing quickly and wait for the last stop of my hometown.

97、Went to different places, saw different landscapes, knew different things, and realized different lives. In the early hours of the morning, as the pulley touched the ground and the plane shook, I finally said my last goodbye.

98、The Yulong Snow Mountain in Lijiang is changeable and colorful. Looking from the bottom of the mountain, the snow mountain appears suddenly, just like the beautiful goddess of "holding the lute and covering the face".

99、Travel, try to go out, you will find that the world is far from what you saw when you lived in the city where you were born for decades. You will meet different people and make friends for life when you hear all kinds of twists and turns.

100、It doesn't matter that the family is poor. Since you come out to play, don't lose face. To go out for sightseeing is to spend all the money. Don't tell me that you don't need it any more. Will you tell me that you don't need it when you eat later.





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